‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Home Workshop Forums Music Critiques, Please ‘Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus

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  • #2405

    Lynn Martin

    This has a very choral sound while being congregationally singable, which I like. For me, the ending works, because it’s set up by the ending of the previous line, and the accidental there can be heard as a modulation, which sets up the IV to sound like the tonic. It also helps lead into the next verse.

    The repetition in the melody throughout the verse might not be as interesting for some congregational singers. It also leans heavily on some leaps that are less common for sopranos. But it would be hard to know whether it would work or not without trying it out. The chorus, however, holds its own very well.

    I like how you try out similar but different harmonies throughout.

  • #2407

    Ben, I like this hymn! It’s a nice departure from the mood and style of the original hymn that we all know very well.

    I would echo Lynn’s point about the ending being a modulation. It works very well with the plagal (Amen) cadence at the end, in my opinion.

    The main thing that jumped out to me was the V-IV progressions, especially in measures 11-12 and 15-16. This isn’t super common especially in hymnody. I think the one in measures 15-16, for example, could potentially be made stronger by changing the first tenor note in measure 16 to a Mi. See attachment.

    Just a thought. Good work, though!

  • #2410

    Thanks for the feedback! I will look the suggestions here. One thing that I am thinking about with this that it has already been sung as a choral piece, and I am not sure if changing the voice leading will throw people off. thoughts on this?

    • #2453

      Lynn Martin

      Not sure what to say on that. It will probably depend on your singers and how familiar they are with the piece.

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