A critique would be appreciated as well as input as to whether this is a style of poem which works for a church music setting or not.
If the sailor should have no star for his guide,
Nor compass; did nothing abide.
He’d drift on the ocean’s far billows.
Alone, on the measureless tide.
If the traveler should have no map for his way,
The Unknown, outspread to the eye.
Alone, in the desert he’d wander.
Alone, twixt the earth and the sky.
If the climber should find on the mountain’s peak,
No pathway, no track for his feet.
He’d stumble, be lost in the shadows.
Alone, ‘midst the crag and the steep.
If the king should posses no couns’lor beside,
Once crowned, were he left all alone.
Then strength would depart from the scepter
For wisdom must gird up the throne.
And should the foundations of truth be destroyed,
Then wherewith would man guide his steps?
Alone, in a vast trackless desert.
Adrift, on the uncharted depths.
All alone, as a sailor with no compass.
Alone, upon life’s mountain height.
Alone, with no Guide for his footsteps.
Alone, bereft,doomed, without sight.
But see now; Wisdom is robed in bright glory.
The omniscient God’s on the throne.
The Truth built the pathway to knowledge
That by faith man should not walk alone.
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