King of Kings (People of Zion)

Home Workshop Forums Music Critiques, Please King of Kings (People of Zion)

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  • #3575

    The song feels hard to sing, but I like the concept of using monophony to lead into it. I’m not sure what makes it hard to sing, but I think the harmonic rhythm and timing don’t feel intuitive.

    ‘Hosannah’ is typically spelled with two n‘s.

  • #3578

    After critique from another source here is a revised edition.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by  Brian Peachey.
  • #3582
  • #3583

    You really have done some work! It looks a lot better with some of those unresolved inversions cleaned up.

    Here are a few things I noticed.

    1. P5 in m.5-6 between bass and tenor. You could keep tenor on la since it passes through it fairly quickly.

    2. M.7 feels a little confused because you go tonic, dominant, subdominant, then back to dominant. I would keep it in tonic until the second syllable of Creator.

    3. Another P5 between bass and tenor at m.8-9 (the beginning of the refrain). You might consider making the first note of the refrain a unison on So (to match the beginning of the song), then have the first chord of m.9 a root position I chord.

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