His Name
Forgiven, free—this is the climax of our story,
Redeemed and loved by Jesus Christ alone,
His is the Name that brings our hope of glory,
His is the Voice that guides us safely home.
Though Satan pommels us, engulfing us in shame,
He can’t block out the Light of all the World.
God’s Spirit whispers our adopted name,
Thund’ring in oceans, galaxies, and pearls.
Children of Truth, may we hold out the flame of grace,
Fling wide the door and call the blind and maimed,
“Come take the Bread of Life. Behold the Saviour’s face,
Bow low. Cry, ‘Holy, holy is His Name.’”
There are parts of this that feel problematic to me, but rather than point them out, I’ll wait to see if you find them and agree. All suggestions welcome 🙂
This discussion was modified 2 years ago by
Yolanda Lichty.
This discussion was modified 2 years ago by
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