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The Highlands of Affliction

1: Out of the highlands of affliction

Comes many a soul ablaze

With visions of things as yet unseen,

Beyond earth’s hastening days.

2: So too from the bitt’rest of trials

May come the sweetest of songs,

As gold in the blazing furnace tried

By struggles and ills and wrongs.

3: From a heart once broken the Artist

May form Him a masterpiece.

Beauty for ashes be given then,

The fullness of joy, increased.

4: Up from turmoil and doubting may rise

A faith yet more sure and strong.

For the trials of life work patience

When rough is the track, and long.

5: From out the valley of death and shade;

A herald of life to come.

“O Death where now is thy sting and where

The vict’ry which thou hast won?”

6: From out the thorn and the scourge and cross;

Salvation, redemption’s might.

From out the grave and the darkness came

The dawn of Eternal Light.