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Rachel Kaufmann
Does this look any better as song material? I rearranged the meter to 8/6, cut out the verse which contained most of the repetative bits, and did a bit of rewording.
1: If Truth has fallen from it’s place
Within the human soul,
How dark the night that falls as well.
How then shall man be whole?
As storm and tumult, vertigo,
As day bereft of sun,
So is man’s life without his God.
Hopeless, alas, undone.
2: To turn from God is not to cease
To bear His image here.
Without Him woe betide that soul;
To know is then to fear.
Who suffers without hope or aim,
His all for nothing gives.
To live a life that’s meaningless,
Is death while yet one lives.
3: For Thou O Lord made man to live,
And being find in Thee.
Tho questions come and doubts arise,
Tho deep the darkness be,
Yet trusting may we turn to Thee
Who made both heart and soul.
Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Light.
In Thee man is made whole.